Mobile and desktop app that allows to make Audiobooks from Anything and helps people with dyslexia and low vision to read out using text to speech voice
We don't follow buzzwords. We assess growth in an unbiased manner, looking at fundamentals.
Our internal data platform helps us to discover and benchmark the companies across industries and verticals. And we are always happy to share our knowledge with the founders.
We invest in big markets with fundamental potential for further multi-decade growth both in B2B and B2C markets, from post-seed to series B.
We invest globally
with focus on US and EU
We share our multi-angle view, deep understanding, and a truly global perspective on the industries and markets we are focused on.
We use a data approach to help portfolio companies get industry benchmarks and insights, allowing them to meet the changing market demands successfully.
We support our portfolio with the experience of our investment professionals team. Our team members worked at both small and big companies, partnered with great founders, successfully co-invested with the notable VCs and institutional investors, and have been investing in consumer internet markets for 10+ years globally.
Feel free to get in touch via this web form, social networks, or LI.